There are different perspectives.
We research collaboratively.

Competence Network for Empirical Educational Research (Kompetenzverbund empirische Bildungs- und Unterrichtsforschung)

The Competence Network for Empirical Educational Research (Kompetenzverbund empirische Bildungs- und Unterrichtsforschung, KeBU) is an association of researchers from University of Freiburg and University of Education Freiburg. KeBU was founded to bundle and expand research and to support the development of emerging scholars in the field of empirical educational research at the two universities in Freiburg.

The competence network forms an essential pillar of the School of Education FACE in the field of research. In it, the University of Freiburg, the University of Education Freiburg and the University of Music Freiburg continue to develop teacher education in Freiburg in a practical and science-based way. For more information, please visit the School of Education FACE website.


The focus of the competence network is the quality of individual educational processes with the following main research areas:

  • Learning processes in educational institutions: Subject-specific and interdisciplinary learning, individual educational processes in kindergarten, school and university, development of subject-specific competencies and interdisciplinary educational dimensions (e.g. learning strategies, epistemological beliefs)
  • Professionalization of actors in the educational system: “educating the educators” in educational institutions (e.g. competencies in pedagogical professions, professional development research)

  • Individual educational pathways: educational transitions and educational biographies (e.g. from kindergarten to primary school or from university to the labour market)

Joint research projects, research-based information for educational practice and services for researchers


Here you will find information about new research projects, research-based information for school practice, and current events.

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